The following information was formerly available on the Hewitt Website but is no longer available as of 5/24/2013:

If you or a dependent dies:

  • Make arrangements with your manager to request funeral time off, as well as additional time off, if necessary.
  • Call the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) if you wish to receive grief counseling:
    • ValueOptions – 1-800-680-6333
    • Cameron & Associates (Georgia Power employees) – 1-800-334-6014

Contact the Hewitt Service Center at 1-888-435-7563 within 60 days of the death for the following:

  • Complete the Death Package and return to the appropriate Carrier.
  • Make any beneficiary changes to your benefit plans.
  • Drop or add coverage to your benefit plans where necessary (Life Insurance within 31 days of the death).
  • If you die, your surviving family member needs to provide the following information:
    • Name of Southern Company employee
    • Date of death
    • Employment status of employee (active/retired)
    • Social Security number
    • Date of birth
    • Address and phone number
    • A certified copy of the death certificate
    • Power of Attorney, if one exists
  • Determine whether spouse and dependents may be able to continue some coverage, apply for continuation of coverage under COBRA, or convert some coverages to individual policies.


A Benefit Specialist from the Hewitt Service Center will help your surviving family member through the process.  If the survivor or beneficiary needs guardianship, or someone holds Power of Attorney over the survivor or beneficiary, please be prepared to send documentation of this to the Hewitt Service Center.  Ask the Benefit Specialist about continuation of any benefit plans.