Tuesday Sept. 11, 2018 Meeting

On Tuesday September 11 at 1:00 p.m., we meet again at the Energy Center, the new SCS/SNC offices at the Colonnade. Address is 3535 Colonnade Parkway, Birmingham AL 335242. We are meeting in North Tower, 6th floor, Room 600.  Note: Due to the unavailability of our meeting room, this meeting will be held on Tuesday rather than our normal Monday meeting day.

Please allow ample time to find parking and sign in at the North Tower. The cafeteria is NOT yet open, so you may wish to eat at the nearby restaurants of the Colonnade. The Alabama Power Company (APCO) Credit Union HAS relocated to the first floor of the North Tower.

Our program will feature George Marling, Senior Consultant in Southern Company Benefits. We are delighted to have George back with us to provide a high-level overview of the benefits program and take questions from the audience. This talk is customary before we sign up for benefits this fall and is a great way to have face-to-face discussion of any changes.

George Marling currently works in Southern Company Benefits as a Sr. Consultant. Marling joined Southern Company in 2000 as a recruiter for Southern Company Generation and Alabama Power. In 2001, he assumed the role of HR Business Consultant for Engineering and Constructions Services. In 2005, he assumed the same role supporting Competitive Generation, Southern Power and Generation Finance.

Marling earned a bachelor’s degree from Atlanta Christian College in Human Resource Management. Originally from Eaton, Ohio, George and his wife Brandi currently live in Calera, Alabama. They have 5 children Drew, Hannah, Olivia, Ben and Maggie. George enjoys hunting and fishing and college sports.

As our meeting falls on the 17th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, our Lifestyle Segment kicking off the meeting is a timely talk on the personal experiences on that fateful day by Luella Brown, retired CIO Coastal Region of Southern Company. She is an ordained minister and currently serves as the Assistant Pastor at Joy of Faith Christian Ministries in Atlanta. Luella’s son was in the military in the Pentagon when the attacks occurred. Her story of the many events around that cataclysmic day is compelling and inspirational.

She is the retired Chief Information Officer for the Coastal Region of Southern Company, which was comprised of Gulf & Mississippi Power and Southern Company Services. She’s held various leadership positions in Information Technology at Southern Company Services with 39 year of service.

She holds a BA degree from Mercer University in Organizational Leadership. She is a recipient of the Turknett Leadership Award for Executive Management, The Inclusive Workplace Award and the Women of Color All Star Award for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.

She is and ordained minister and currently serves as the Assistant Pastor at Joy of Faith Christian Ministries, where she oversees the Women and Praise Ministries. She also serves in the Christian Counseling ministry at Joy Of Faith

She is married to Marvin Brown and they are the proud parents of 4 children and 9 grandchildren. In her spare time she enjoys reading, watching college sports and teaching on the End Times.

This should be a very informative meeting.  Hope to see you there!