Holiday Luncheon November 5, 2019

Our Annual Holiday Luncheon is coming up soon at the Vestavia Country Club on
Tuesday, November 5, 2019.

We will have a social time to meet and talk to your fellow retirees and friends, and have a nice meal while being entertained by Frank Jones, a highly accomplished concert pianist. We also will have a business meeting, election and installation of 2020 Officers, and door prizes.

You should have received an invitation in the mail by now. Please send your reservation and payment to Dora Brandt on or before Tuesday, October 28. PRICE: $20 PER PERSON / $40 PER COUPLE

Cancellation are allowed no later than October 30, by calling Dora Brandt at
956-0502. After that date, no exceptions, except in case of family emergency.

We hope to see you there!