June 2014 President’s Message

For those of you who missed our annual Spring luncheon meeting, Kimberly (Kim) Greene , former President and CEO of Southern Company Services, who was recently appointed Chief Operating Officer and Executive V.P. of Southern Company gave us an overview of  the issues and challenges currently facing the Southern Company. Many of our retirees have some investments dependent on the performance of our company and I encourage you to take every opportunity to listen and ask question of our company leaders.

I would like to thank Glenda James and the Arrangements Committee for organizing a great venue for our meeting, excellent food and the many little details necessary to have a luncheon of that magnitude. We were all impressed with the quality of the program and a great big thank you is extended to Jackie Imbusch and her Program Committee for untiring efforts to arrange for Kim Greene to be the keynote speaker

I encourage you to check out our web site at www.scsretirees.com to see the latest news of our organization. I think you will agree that Cary Campbell provides us with a professional grade web site with a good amount of information and news. We owe him a great deal of gratitude for his efforts and commitment to SCS/SNC Retirees.

Please join us on July 14, 2014, Room 130 Building 42 at SCS Inverness at 1:00 PM for our next meeting.  Our featured guest speaker will be Brian Whitley, Regulatory Affairs Director at Southern Nuclear. This is a great opportunity to get an update and ask any questions you may have on the design and construction of Vogtle Units 3 and 4.

With best wishes for a happy and safe Summer.

H. Ray Bailey

President, SCS/SNC Retirees Association

One thought on “June 2014 President’s Message

  1. Thanks Ray! Anybody else have any comments about anything on this website, our organization, or your personal experiences? Just click on a message and enter your name, Email address, and comment in the “Leave a Reply” box. This is a great way to communicate with other members, so go ahead and let us know what’s going on with you or what you think about our activities.

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