Sept. 2014 President’s Message

Our July 14 meeting presentation by Brian Whitley, Regulatory Affairs Director at Southern Nuclear, was very informative. His comments and update on the construction at Vogtle Units 3 and 4 was well received by so many of us who have a vital interest in the continuing success of Southern Nuclear and the Southern Company.

Whether we like it or not, SCS/SNC Retirees must accept that we are now in the age of electronic communications where a great deal of our information will come to us through the emails and websites. We are fortunate to have Cary Campbell providing and maintaining our website at so we can access the latest news, including Member Care information. I encourage you to use this resource for information about our organization and its activities.

The Nominating Committee, chaired by Gray Murray, will be reviewing our membership in the next few weeks for potential officers, Board Members, committee members, etc. for next year. When I look at our membership list, I see retirees who contributed to the success of our respective companies. SCS/SNC Retirees needs your help to not only carry us into the next year, but to ensure the organization stays viable.

Please join us on September 8, 2014, Room 130 Building 42 at SCS Inverness at 1:00 PM for our next meeting.  Our featured guest speaker will be George Marling, Benefits at Southern Company Services. This is a great opportunity to get an update and ask any questions you may have on insurance issues, particularly as it relates to the latest laws and regulations.

I am looking forward to seeing you at our September 8 meeting for fellowship with friends and coworkers, and to hear an update on benefits. Hope everyone has had a great summer.


H. Ray Bailey

President, SCS/SNC Retirees Association