SNC News Release

On Tuesday, November 18, 2014 4:27 PM, SNC Communications wrote:

Farley report to NRC:

SNC Communications was contacted by John Daniel with WOOF Dothan regarding the report submitted to the NRC on the actuation of the Unit 2 reactor protection system. Michelle Tims responded with the following statement:

Unit 2 is safe and stable. The unit is in the final stage of a scheduled refueling and maintenance outage.

Plant operators received an indication Saturday morning that a control rod was misaligned and they took the conservative action to shut the unit down.

The issue was corrected and final outage activities have resumed.

Farley siren testing

SNC Communications issued the media advisory below regarding siren testing at Plant Farley on Dec. 3:

Plant Farley to conduct siren testing; sirens will be heard in communities surrounding the plant

What:  Plant Farley, in cooperation with state and local emergency management agencies, will conduct a test of the plant’s emergency siren system to ensure residents can be promptly notified in the unlikely event of a plant emergency and to comply with Federal Emergency Management Agency regulations.

This is only a test. There is no cause for concern and no action is required.

Process:  The test will consist of several varying siren sounds that will be set off in Houston County. As part of the test, the sirens may be heard by nearby residents, schools and businesses.

When:  Wednesday, Dec. 3, 2014, at approximately 10 a.m. CT in Alabama and 11:05 a.m. ET in Georgia.