Vogtle 3 & 4 Status

ATLANTA, Dec. 12, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — On Thursday, Dec. 11, Georgia Power and construction partners Westinghouse and CB&I joined community leaders and project workers at a special event to mark a year of progress at the historic expansion of Plant Vogtle near Waynesboro, Ga. Against the backdrop of the nearly complete 600 foot-tall Unit 3 cooling tower, attendees came together to commemorate the efforts of the more than 5,000 workers currently onsite building two of the country’s first new nuclear units in three decades.

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“The collective work of the thousands of individuals from across the country who are dedicated to this project is truly astounding,” said Buzz Miller, executive vice president of nuclear development for Georgia Power. “We continue to meet and overcome challenges associated with building one of the most advanced and innovative new nuclear facilities in the world. Our team’s achievements in 2014 illustrate progress and underscore our unwavering commitment to safe, high-quality, compliant construction, which will serve Georgia for many future generations.”

In addition to the near completion of the Unit 3 cooling tower, other key Unit 3 milestones achieved during 2014 and celebrated Thursday included the placement of the CA20 Module and the CA05 Structural Module. Progress marked for Unit 4 during 2014 included the placement of the Containment Vessel Bottom Head (CVBH) and the CR10 Module. Substantial progress as a result of thousands of hours of construction during 2014 is evident across the site as well. Work throughout the year has included progression in both nuclear islands, module fabrication, annex building, turbine islands, cooling towers, switchyard, and other permanent facility buildings.

The expansion at Plant Vogtle is part of Georgia Power’s long-term, strategic vision for providing safe, clean, reliable and affordable energy for Georgians well into the future. In addition to its status as the largest job-producing project in the state during construction, Vogtle units 3 and 4 are expected to create 800 new jobs when the facility enters service. The project continues to deliver the best energy value for Georgia and represents the most economic energy option for customers over the next 60 years.