President’s Message

I hope everyone is making plans to attend our holiday lunch on November 5th at the Vestavia Country Club.  We have an excellent lunch planned with entertainment presented by the Warblers Club.  The Warblers Club is a men’s choral group that has its roots in the original Warblers Club of Woodlawn High School.  Most of the current, active performers were members of the Woodlawn High Warblers during their high school days. This will be a great program.  If you have not sent your reservation in please do so ASAP.  October 28th is the last day you can reserve a spot.

We are adding a new feature to our lunch this year.  To get the spirit of the season started off right I am asking everyone to bring a few canned goods or an unwrapped toy to the lunch.   We will have a box to collect the food and toys and take them to Greater Birmingham Ministries for distribution to folks that need a little help this year.  Greater Birmingham Ministries (GBM) was founded on 1969 in response to urgent human and justice needs in the greater Birmingham area. GBM is a multi-faith, multi-racial organization that provides emergency services to people in need.

We will hold our annual officer election at our next meeting.  Our nominating committee presents the following as nominees for the club offices.

Board of Directors –

Sid Varagona
Jackie Imbush
Gerald Aultman
David Strack

President – John McCoy

Vice President – Keith Calhoun

Hope to see you at our meeting on November 5th.

Al Nebrig