Message from Charlie Stein


I just found your organization/newsletter. I worked at SCS from 1982-88, with a couple of later stints as a consultant. Maybe I should have stayed longer. I was an electrical engineer in the group supporting Edwin I. Hatch, and worked for Steve Sisson.

I’ve been going through old photos and digitizing them, and found the attached photos from April 1985. One is Henry Vincent, whom I understand from your website passed away in 2013. The other is Hue Van Le, a brilliant electrical engineer whom I hope is well. I also fondly remember E. Carter Leonard, who encouraged me to obtain my Professional Engineering registration, and I hope that he is still around.

Henry Vincent

Henry Vincent

Hue Van Le

Hue Van Le

I left Birmingham in 1994, returning to Florida, where I’d grown up. I worked there in the water/wastewater treatment industry. In 2004, I decided to switch careers and I moved to Pittsburgh, where I attended the University of Pittsburgh School of Law. Upon graduating in 2007, I moved to New York City, where I work as a patent attorney. I married in March 2014 — I wish I could have married much earlier– and my wife and I enjoy hiking. I have a photoblog (mostly of vacations and hikes) at

Best regards,

Charles Stein