Need help identifying these 1948 Employees

We’ve received a request to identify these men in our picture of SCS employees from 1948.  If you know any of these men, please provide their name and any other information you’d like to share in the comment section of this post.  Thanks!

25 SCS 1948

2 thoughts on “Need help identifying these 1948 Employees

  1. I agree about Alton Brinson & K.W. Boyles. The 3rd man in the front row is Ernie Gaston. I believe the 1st man in the back row is Sal Chambliss and the 2nd man is Bill Brownlee. The 4th man may be Mr. Merganthaler.

  2. I believe that the man on the left end of the front row is Alton Brinson. I believe that the man in the middle of the front row is K. W. Boyles.

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