Charlie Micklewright

Charlie Micklewright had a stroke on September 21st and has been in the hospital or rehab since. Today Hospice has been called in. Please remember him and his wife Ann in your prayers.

Ann’s address

Ann Micklewright
5425 J. R. Drive
Birmingham, AL 35234-1337

Vogtle 3 & 4 Status

ATLANTA, Dec. 12, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — On Thursday, Dec. 11, Georgia Power and construction partners Westinghouse and CB&I joined community leaders and project workers at a special event to mark a year of progress at the historic expansion of Plant Vogtle near Waynesboro, Ga. Against the backdrop of the nearly complete 600 foot-tall Unit 3 cooling tower, attendees came together to commemorate the efforts of the more than 5,000 workers currently onsite building two of the country’s first new nuclear units in three decades.

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“The collective work of the thousands of individuals from across the country who are dedicated to this project is truly astounding,” said Buzz Miller, executive vice president of nuclear development for Georgia Power. “We continue to meet and overcome challenges associated with building one of the most advanced and innovative new nuclear facilities in the world. Our team’s achievements in 2014 illustrate progress and underscore our unwavering commitment to safe, high-quality, compliant construction, which will serve Georgia for many future generations.”

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SNC News Release

On Wednesday, December 17, 2014 4:08 PM, SNC Communications wrote:

Status of Farley Unit 2 and Hatch units 1 and 2

SNC Communications was contacted by Bill Freebairn of Platts seeking to know when Farley Unit 2 and Hatch Unit 1 tied to the grid and if repairs were still being made to Hatch Unit 2. Michelle Tims responded with the following:

Farley Unit 2 tied to the grid yesterday at 1:41 p.m. CT and is at 100 percent power.

Hatch Unit 1 tied to the grid yesterday at 10:25 p.m. ET and is returning to full power.

Repairs to Hatch Unit 2 are complete and the unit is returning to full power.

SNC News Release

On Monday, December 15, 2014 4:05 PM, SNC Communications issued the following news release:

Status of Farley Unit 2 and Plant Hatch units 1 and 2:

SNC Communications was contacted today by John Daniel of WOOF-FM in Dothan, Bill Freebairn of Platts, Christine Buurma of Bloomberg and Koustav Samanta of Reuters regarding the status of Farley Unit 2 and Plant Hatch units 1 and 2. Michelle Tims responded with the following statement:

Southern Nuclear’s top priority is the safety and health of the public and our employees. We are committed to the safe operation of our nuclear generating facilities with equipment and systems that meet rigorous NRC safety and design regulations.

On Friday, Dec. 12, operators at Plant Farley safely shut down Unit 2 after receiving an indication of a steam leak in a secondary system inside the containment building.

Also on Dec. 12, Plant Hatch operators safely shut down Unit 1 for a planned maintenance outage. During the outage, employees are replacing the seals on a pump.

This morning, operators reduced the power of Plant Hatch Unit 2 to repair a tube leak in the main condenser.

As repairs are completed, employees will safely return the units to full operational power.

For competitive reasons, we cannot say when the units will return to full power.

SNC News Release

On Tuesday, November 18, 2014 4:27 PM, SNC Communications wrote:

Farley report to NRC:

SNC Communications was contacted by John Daniel with WOOF Dothan regarding the report submitted to the NRC on the actuation of the Unit 2 reactor protection system. Michelle Tims responded with the following statement:

Unit 2 is safe and stable. The unit is in the final stage of a scheduled refueling and maintenance outage.

Plant operators received an indication Saturday morning that a control rod was misaligned and they took the conservative action to shut the unit down.

The issue was corrected and final outage activities have resumed.

Farley siren testing

SNC Communications issued the media advisory below regarding siren testing at Plant Farley on Dec. 3:

Plant Farley to conduct siren testing; sirens will be heard in communities surrounding the plant

What:  Plant Farley, in cooperation with state and local emergency management agencies, will conduct a test of the plant’s emergency siren system to ensure residents can be promptly notified in the unlikely event of a plant emergency and to comply with Federal Emergency Management Agency regulations.

This is only a test. There is no cause for concern and no action is required.

Process:  The test will consist of several varying siren sounds that will be set off in Houston County. As part of the test, the sirens may be heard by nearby residents, schools and businesses.

When:  Wednesday, Dec. 3, 2014, at approximately 10 a.m. CT in Alabama and 11:05 a.m. ET in Georgia.